Students meeting in the hub in ILS2 with sea view in background

Our Innovative Health and Life Sciences Research Community

Our research activities play a central role in the Medical School’s success. We are at the forefront of medical and life science research, actively supporting staff and students to build working relationships with counterparts overseas. We are particularly committed to encouraging new ideas and nurturing talent.

As a leading UK centre for medical research, we are committed to innovative health and life sciences research which delivers strong performances in terms of attracting prestigious research funding and high calibre PhD and Research students. From the success of REF2014, the Medical School has maintained its Top 5 UK position for overall research quality, continuing to be regarded as world-leading (REF2021).

Applied Analytical Sciences (LCMS), MRes

Our Programme
Student using microscope

The MRes in Applied Analytical Sciences (LCMS) is a unique combination of industry participation and course content that will provide you with a vocationally-relevant qualification and help make you highly employable both in the UK and abroad.

Research Areas - Medical Technologies

Health Informatics, MRes

Our Programme
Students and academics talking in the corridors

This developing discipline is becoming an increasingly important component of health provision in the 21st Century. The MRes in Health Informatics is designed for those with experience in health informatics and who want to make a contribution to the field by helping develop the knowledge base.

Research Areas - Patient and Population Health and Informatics

Our PhD / MD/ MPhil / MSc by Research Programmes

Biomedical Sciences

Our Biomedical Science PhD programmes cover areas such as Cancer and Genomics;  Microbes and Immunity; Nanomedicine; and pharmacology. Our programmes are suitable for well-qualified candidates whose research interests correspond with these topics and who want to work on complex medical problems that have both biological and social impacts.


Medicine Pharmacy Medical Physics Health Data Science Medical and Healthcare Studies

Research in Health Professions Education, DProf / MRes

Our Programme
Medicine students being taught clinical skills.

The DProf and MRes in Research in Health Professions Education gives you expert training in education research methods.  The programme is suitable for anyone who wants to undertake rigorous, practice-focused research, from doctors, nurses, academic educators, social care professionals or psychologists.