The Audit Assurance and Risk Committee is chaired by a lay member of Council and comprises lay members of Council and co-opted lay members. All members are independent of the University's management, although senior executives attend meetings as necessary. The committee has a key role in the University's governance framework in ensuring that the University complies with Statutory, University and External Regulatory requirements in its financial and non-financial activities. In respect of the issues within its terms of reference, the committee has the authority to make recommendations to the University, its organisational units and its members.


The CompositionMembership
Lay Member of Council (Chair) Mrs Marcia Sinfield
Lay Member of Council Professor Kathryn Monk
Lay Member of Council Mr Richard Thomas
Lay Member of Council Mrs Nataliya Manskova-Bains  
Co-Opted Lay Member Mrs Alison Vickers
Co-Opted Lay Member Vacancy
Staff Member of Council Vacancy
Student Member of Council Ms Katie Wilkinson 



Date Papers Circulated to Members

Date of Meeting   

Time of Meeting

28/02/2025 07/03/2025 8.30am
20/06/2025 27/06/2025 8.30am
19/09/2025  26/09/2025   8.30am 
07/11/2025 14/11/2025 8.30am
27/02/2026 06/03/2026 8.30am
19/06/2026 26/06/2026 8.30am