The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law were fortunate when, in 2019, Kennedys Law LLP, a global law firm with 67 offices around the world, took the decision to introduce a new Prize for Shipping and Trade LLM students.
The “Kennedys’ Marine Insurance Prize” has a monetary value as well as an attached internship, and is awarded to the Shipping & Trade LLM student that has the highest grade in the Marine Insurance Law module.
This year’s winner of the Prize is Layesh Premraj. Layesh is a qualified master mariner who completed his studies at Singapore Maritime Academy and has worked in commercial shipping since 2009; thus holding a significant amount of practical knowledge on shipping.
Professor Soyer, Director of Shipping and Trade at Swansea, and Ms Angela Nicholas accompanied Layesh to the firm for a working lunch with several of its Partners; discussing potential collaboration on new projects, especially emerging technologies.