a man sat on a truck shouting through a megaphone. The canvas logo appears behind him, and large text reading 'What's New' appears in the foreground

Smart Search

Smart Search can be used to search for key words within a Canvas Course. It can currently find words on Canvas pages, announcements, discussion prompts, and assignment descriptions within the course. The feature will be expanded to include more types of content in the future. 

To access and use Smart Search, follow the steps below:

Open Smart Search

A screenshot showing where to find Smart Search in the Course Navigation Menu

Open any Canvas Course. You will find Smart Search in the Course Navigation menu toward the left-hand side of the screen.

Enter a search term

A screen shot showing smart search returning search results from a canvas course

Type a key word or phrase in the search bar. You will need to press the 'Enter' key to start the search.

Display your Pronouns

You can now choose to display your pronouns on your Canvas Settings page. You can choose from 'None', 'She/Her', 'He/Him' or 'They/Them'. Your pronouns will appear in brackets after your name wherever your name is shown in Canvas. No pronouns will be displayed if your pronouns are set to 'None'.

Follow the steps below to set your pronouns in Canvas:

Go to your Settings

A screenshot showing how you access your profile page on Canvas

In the Global Navigation menu, click 'Account'. This will open up a pane on the left of the screen, where you can access your Settings.

Select your pronouns

An image showing where you can choose your pronouns on your Canvas settings page

On the right-hand side of the screen, click 'Edit Settings'. You can then select your preferred pronouns in the drop down menu pictured.

Save your changes

An image showing the 'Update settings' button on the Canvas Profile page

When you are happy, remember to save your changes by clicking the 'Update settings' button at the bottom of the 'Settings' section of the page.

Name Pronunciations

Help your instructors to say your name correctly by adding a pronunciation to your Canvas Profile. Before adding your pronunciation to Canvas you should take a look at the Wiki-How Article, 'How to Spell your Name Phoenetically', to help you devise an accurate phoenetic spelling of your name.

Follow the steps below to set your Name Pronunciation in Canvas:

Go to your Profile

A screenshot showing how you access your profile page on Canvas

In the Global Navigation menu, click 'Account'. This will open up a pane on the left of the screen, where you can access your Profile.

Add your pronunciation

An image showing where to add your name pronunciation on your Canvas profile page

On the right-hand side of the screen, click 'Edit Profile'. You can then add your name pronunciation below your name.

Save your changes

An image showing the 'Save profile' button on the Canvas Profile page

When you are happy, remember to save your changes by clicking the 'Save profile' button at the bottom of the page.

Updates to Canvas Discussions

Canvas Discussions have had a redesign, and extra functionality has been introduced. There's an Updated Interface which now includes searching and a new split-screen viewing mode; the ability to Mention and Quote other people in your replies; and you can now Edit your replies and Report another person's reply if it is offensive or abusive.

You can find details regarding these features on the guidance course 'Passport to Canvas':

an icon showing a hand pointing at a screen

Interface Updates

Find out how to use the new Discussions Interface to search, filter, and sort replies; switch between the in-line and split views; and subscribe to a Discussion:

The Discussions Interface
an icon showing a speech bubble and a reply arrow

Writing Replies

Find out how to use the new reply-writing features, Mentions and Quotes, and how to set up your notifications for their use appropriately:

Replying to a Discussion
an icon showing a pencil and a speech bubble containing an exclamation mark

Edit/Report Replies

Find out how to edit, and view the edit history of your replies. You can also report someone else's reply if it is offensive or abusive:

Editing and Reporting Replies

Where to get help with Canvas

Remember, you can find out about all of the avenues of support that are available for Canvas from Instructure and from Swansea University on our Student Support page:

Go to 'Canvas Support for Students'
A female student working on a laptop