An aerial view of Bay Campus, with the sea stretching into the horizon.
Headshot of Dr Balaussa Shaimakhanova

Dr Balaussa Shaimakhanova

Lecturer in Marketing, Business
Office 317 - 317
Third Floor
School of Management
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Research Links


Balaussa Azubayeva completed her PhD in Swansea University, School of Management, Department of Business and Economics. Her PhD title is “Breaching Children's Rights to Education in Wales: Intergenerational Transmission of Cultural Capital and School-to-Work Transition”.  During the PhD studies Balaussa published her academic work on the topic of Cultural Capital and Entrepreneurship. Alongside the PhD Balaussa worked as a Senior Teaching Assistant, teaching seminars and conducting workshops on the Strategic Analysis and Strategy modules. 

Prior to academia Balaussa had about 20 years of work experience in marketing and management, within diverse teams, and various industries. Balaussa worked within international fast moving consumer goods companies in Marketing, Supply Chain and Trade departments. She managed a team of 110 people across the country, led a massive brand promotion campaign, devised and tested a cross-functional product integrity and traceability procedure. During her work in Marketing, Balaussa studied and received a Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Marketing from Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), UK. Currently, Balaussa is a member of CIM and working towards the Chartered Marketer status.

Additionally, Balaussa has a professional experience in entrepreneurship in early education sector in Kazakhstan. Through business-government partnership program Balaussa set up and run two preschool education establishments in Kazakhstan to meet the country’s challenge to enhance qualitative preschool education and create more full-time work for teachers in early years’ sector of economy. Balaussa received an award for her achievements in business as a female entrepreneur in Kazakhstan.

Balaussa was a Chevening scholar at Swansea University in the Childhood studies master’s course. During her master’s studies, Balaussa worked as a volunteer judge at the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition.

At present, Balaussa teaches Strategic Marketing Planning, Strategy, and Strategic Analysis in School of Management and is an Associate Fellow in Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). Balaussa has a position of a School Governor at Brynmill Primary School.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Strategic Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Labor Economics
  • Cultural Theory (Bourdieu)
  • Entrepreneurship

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Teaching philosophy with andragogy principles

Distinction between pedagogy and andragogy


Diversity and Inclusivity

Multimodality of teaching methods

Technology enhanced learning

Research Award Highlights