Enterprise and Creativity: Entrepreneurship in Practice
This generic cross-disciplinary module aims to provide an introduction for learners to:
(a) the practice of becoming entrepreneurial;
(b) Using creativity and creative thinking to generate and develop opportunities
(c) the development of entrepreneurial ways of thinking and doing; and,
(d) the exploitation of opportunities in the achievement of value.
This practical course will help learners to develop their own ideas and pursue personal achievement by developing and delivering a project that will make a difference in their communities.
The module focuses on the underpinning and fundamental requisites for innovation, new venture creation and successful commercialisation ¿ the entrepreneurial mindset, skills and behaviours of individuals who are seeking to create their own futures and make a difference in their world. It emphasises the importance of developing new ways of thinking and doing; the need for self-reliance and self-belief; the capacity for identifying needs and problems and seeing them as challenges and opportunities; the ability to take action, execute solutions, manage risk and failure and take responsibility for the consequences.
Advanced Leadership - Leading Change
This generic cross-disciplinary module aims enable learners to:
¿ Understand their prevailing leadership style and change management skills and where these can be enhanced
¿ Achieve greater knowledge and skill in performance leadership
¿ Learn new concepts on organisational leadership
¿ Develop a strategy to grow their people and their business
¿ Establish reflective practice to consolidate and embed learning
¿ Understand coaching skills for self-directed performance and people management
This module is designed for leaders from small, medium and large organisations that have established leadership and management skills and knowledge. The module will enable them to reflect on the present situation within their organisations and their teams, building the strategic leadership skills to facilitate innovation and ensure sustainable growth. The Enhancing Leadership Skills module will develop the skills of leaders and managers in small, medium and large firms (anchor and regionally important). The role of the leaders and their senior management teams is to create the enabling environment for independent decision-making, guided by the clearly articulated vision for the organisation. The module will aim to develop their critical reflective skills in order for them to critically appraise their individual and organisation direction. Emphasis will be placed on developing leaders¿ innovation knowledge in order for them to develop and implement continuous improvement and new product development strategies and operational plans.
The module will also develop participants¿ knowledge and skills around assessing and developing future skills and knowledge needs of the organisation in order for them to develop `Learning Organisations¿ . Our aim is to develop knowledge and skills that allow leaders to transform into ¿Gazelles or high growth¿ SMEs.
The Advanced Leadership module will introduce participants to High Performance Work Practices (HPWP¿s), placing particular emphasis on leading self and leading others, enabling them to develop and implement sustainable plans that further drive the productivity and performance of their organisations.
The module will enhance participants¿ knowledge and skills around providing strong direction and motivating their team to achieve the vision and goals of the organisation. The module develops participants¿ strategy skills - ¿working `on¿ the business and not `in¿ the business¿. The Advanced Leadership module encourages the delegation of day-to-day management to a trusted, empowered and skilled workforce, in order for strategic performance to be driven at all levels of the organisation.
Enterprise and Creativity: Entrepreneurship in Practice
This practical course will help learners to develop their own ideas and pursue personal achievement by developing and delivering a project that will make a difference in their communities.
Week by week you will develop your own ideas of what it means to be entrepreneurial and learn your strengths and weaknesses by acting as an entrepreneur. To do this, you must work independently to design your own entrepreneurial project, and work to deliver it, creating value for a group or community of your choice.
You will learn through this process: How to become more entrepreneurial; How to use creativity and creative thinking to generate and develop opportunities; New and entrepreneurial ways of thinking and doing; and, Exploit opportunities to achieve value.
The module focuses on the underpinning and fundamental requisites for innovation, new venture creation and successful commercialisation ¿ the entrepreneurial mindset, skills and behaviours of individuals who are seeking to create their own futures and make a difference in their world. It emphasises the importance of developing new ways of thinking and doing; the need for self-reliance and self-belief; the capacity for identifying needs and problems and seeing them as challenges and opportunities; the ability to take action, execute solutions, manage risk and failure and take responsibility for the consequences.
Enterprise and Creativity:Entrepreneurship in Practice
This generic cross-disciplinary module aims to provide an introduction for learners to:
(a) the practice of becoming entrepreneurial;
(b) Using creativity and creative thinking to generate and develop opportunities
(c) the development of entrepreneurial ways of thinking and doing; and,
(d) the exploitation of opportunities in the achievement of value.
This practical course will help learners to develop their own ideas and pursue personal achievement by developing and delivering a project that will make a difference in their communities.
The module focuses on the underpinning and fundamental requisites for innovation, new venture creation and successful commercialisation ¿ the entrepreneurial mindset, skills and behaviours of individuals who are seeking to create their own futures and make a difference in their world. It emphasises the importance of developing new ways of thinking and doing; the need for self-reliance and self-belief; the capacity for identifying needs and problems and seeing them as challenges and opportunities; the ability to take action, execute solutions, manage risk and failure and take responsibility for the consequences.
Final Year Project
This module serves as the capstone for the BSc Business Management programme. The module allows students to undertake in-depth and applied research on an academic or practical topic of their choosing.
Enterprise and Creativity: Entrepreneurship in Practice
This module aims to provide an introduction for learners to:
(a) the practice of becoming entrepreneurial;
(b) Using creativity and creative thinking to generate and develop opportunities
(c) the development of entrepreneurial ways of thinking and doing; and,
(d) the exploitation of opportunities in the achievement of value.
This practical course will help learners to develop their own ideas and pursue personal achievement by developing and delivering a project that will make a difference in their communities by addressing a set `social challenge¿.
The module focuses on the underpinning and fundamental requisites for innovation, new venture creation and successful commercialisation ¿ the entrepreneurial mindset, skills and behaviours of individuals who are seeking to create their own futures and make a difference in their world. It emphasises the importance of developing new ways of thinking and doing; the need for self-reliance and self-belief; the capacity for identifying needs and problems and seeing them as challenges and opportunities; the ability to take action, execute solutions, manage risk and failure and take responsibility for the consequences.
Enterprise and Creativity: Entrepreneurship in Practice
This generic cross-disciplinary module aims to provide an introduction for learners to:
(a) the practice of becoming entrepreneurial;
(b) Using creativity and creative thinking to generate and develop opportunities
(c) the development of entrepreneurial ways of thinking and doing; and,
(d) the exploitation of opportunities in the achievement of value.
This practical course will help learners to develop their own ideas and pursue personal achievement by developing and delivering a project that will make a difference in their communities.
The module focuses on the underpinning and fundamental requisites for innovation, new venture creation and successful commercialisation ¿ the entrepreneurial mindset, skills and behaviours of individuals who are seeking to create their own futures and make a difference in their world. It emphasises the importance of developing new ways of thinking and doing; the need for self-reliance and self-belief; the capacity for identifying needs and problems and seeing them as challenges and opportunities; the ability to take action, execute solutions, manage risk and failure and take responsibility for the consequences.
Critical Synopsis and Reflection
The culmination of any programme of doctoral study is the final review of, and reflection upon, the research undertaken. The aim of this module is to facilitate the doctoral candidate to critically examine their own work in order to be able to identify their novel contributions to knowledge, the limitations of their research and the new opportunities for research that they have uncovered.
Doctoral candidates will work with lecturers and supervisors to integrate the work completed so far into a coherent argument and reflect on the individual, organisational and theoretical impact that has flowed from their work.
To help articulate the individual impact, candidates will be introduced to structured models to aid the reflective process, such as Bassot¿s and Gibbs¿ Reflective Cycles.
Value-Based Health and Care Strategy Implementation: Leadership and People
VBHC represents a significant change in the way health and care systems operate and therefore, effective implementation requires strong leadership skills to bring colleagues on the journey. It also requires an understanding of how to change organisational culture and embed innovation.
Students will critically appraise the different leadership, culture change and innovation theories and explore how these can be applied to support the creation of VBHC systems. This will be delivered through a variety of approaches, including Case-Based Discussion, with cases drawn from examples across the NHS in Wales and more widely. Through the cases, we will explore challenges that health and care systems have faced and discuss with your peers how you would address the challenge from the position of an organisational leader. We will then explore how your solutions relate to what happened in practice and how the different approaches relate to established theories in leadership, culture change and innovation.
Leading with Integrity
This module is exclusive to the MBA January 2021 cohort of students.
This module is designed to help the learner to understand their role as leaders in addressing the challenges that modern enterprises face.
Today¿s businesses face unprecedented rates of change, whether from access to big data and sophisticated technologies, or the speed of social and political change on potential and existing markets, suppliers and consumers. In these times the role of the leader is challenged constantly, requiring informed and strategic leadership at all levels of an organisation. Modern business requires leaders with integrity to address the potential pitfalls of fast moving global change, the challenges of operating in diverse contexts, and to understand the ways of doing leadership that is inclusive. This module will enable you to be that leader.
This module starts by exposing you to a critical view of traditional and contemporary leadership theories and practices. In the second part you will use key scenes from films and similar multimedia to identify and explore challenges and dilemmas that today¿s leaders face. The third part is a series of workshops and review sessions designed to help you address the challenges that you either experience or foresee in your own organisation to enable the application of leadership frameworks to varied contexts.
Leading with Integrity
This module is designed to help the learner to understand their role as leaders in addressing the challenges that modern enterprises face.
Today¿s businesses face unprecedented rates of change, whether from access to big data and sophisticated technologies, or the speed of social and political change on potential and existing markets, suppliers and consumers. In these times the role of the leader is challenged constantly, requiring informed and strategic leadership at all levels of an organisation. Modern business requires leaders with integrity to address the potential pitfalls of fast moving global change, the challenges of operating in diverse contexts, and to understand the ways of doing leadership that is inclusive. This module will enable you to be that leader.
This module starts by exposing you to a critical view of traditional and contemporary leadership theories and practices. In the second part you will use key scenes from films and similar multimedia to identify and explore challenges and dilemmas that today¿s leaders face. The third part is a series of workshops and review sessions designed to help you address the challenges that you either experience or foresee in your own organisation to enable the application of leadership frameworks to varied contexts.
International Soft Landings
This soft landings course is available to the owners and leaders of small firms from outside of the UK who wish to export to, or trade with the UK. The course focuses on creating two key documents ¿ an ambitions plan and an export/trade action plan.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.