Annual Programme Review (APR)

The Annual Programme Review (APR) process at Swansea University

The APR process is critical to the ongoing enhancement of programmes, learning opportunities and awards made by the University that underpin the student experience. Annual Programme Review has been developed to enable a pro-active approach to annual monitoring, based on the principles of continuous reflection and aligned to the release of academic quality data across the academic year. 

APR provides a framework for Subject Areas to review and formalise existing enhancement and reflective practice, and to offer a formal and coherent vehicle for the consideration of a range of existing data (including External Examiners’ reports, student feedback, enrolments, progression and completion, assessment results, degree outcomes and employability) throughout the year to drive continuous enhancement and improvement of the student experience. Annual Programme Review is also directly informed by Annual Module Review, drawing on the findings of this closely allied process among its constituent modules. 

Annual Programme Review is informed by the QAA Quality Code Advice and Guidance on Monitoring and EvaluationAnnual Programme Review information is distributed within Faculties, usually via the Associate Dean Education, School Education Lead and/or Faculty Quality team and is available through the APR Hub. Most of the materials and guidance needed to complete the process can be accessed from here, however Programme Directors should also familiarise themselves with the local School or Faculty arrangements, as every Annual Programme Review will need to be approved by the relevant Faculty approval body, prior to final submission.

It is expected that students will participate actively in APR. This has historically taken place as a part of student reps’ participation in Boards of Studies, however more active involvement from reps and participants in Student-Staff Fora will also be promoted. Members of the Student Review Community trained in quality assurance can be brought in to contribute, or in an advisory capacity. For support and advice on involving students with Annual Programme Review, please contact

Further guidance on the Annual Programme Review process can be found in the FAQs for this section.