Management and Leadership in Health Care Practice (WBL)
This module will enable practitioners to develop an understanding of the knowledge and skills required when leading and managing teams and individuals and working in partnership with other practitioners and agencies. This module aims to develop knowledge and work-based skills required for effective teamwork, leadership and management.
Clinical supervision
This module will enable students to develop their knowledge around clinical supervision and enhance their ability to engage in and facilitate this process whilst in practice.
Starting Your Professional Development
The aim of this module is to equip students with the necessary skills for work based learning, including self assessment, construction of a learning contract and compilation of a portfolio of evidence.
Personal Practice Development Portfolio
The aim of this module is for the student to demonstrate the personal and professional development that has occurred for them since commencing the programme.
This is the equivalent of the dissertation module, requiring submission of a portfolio dissertation demonstrating personal and professional learning and development that has occurred since commencing the programme. The portfolio dissertation will amalgamate and consolidate all previous modules to demonstrate how learning from those modules has influenced practice and facilitated personal and professional development.
Assessing your Current Practice
The aim of this module is to enable the studnent to assess and evaluate a chosen area of their practice. Students will gain skills in evidence based practice and service evaluation.
Developing Your Own Practice
The aim of this module is to encourage students to think about developing the scope of their own practice.
Teaching and Learning in Practice
The aim of this module is to enable practitioners to develop their teaching and facilitation skills in practice using a work based approach to learning.
Personal Practice Development Portfolio
The aim of this module is for the student to demonstrate the personal and professional development that has occurred for them since commencing the programme.
This is the equivalent of the dissertation module, requiring submission of a portfolio dissertation demonstrating personal and professional learning and development that has occurred since commencing the programme. The portfolio dissertation will amalgamate and consolidate all previous modules to demonstrate how learning from those modules has influenced practice and facilitated personal and professional development.
Essentials of Neonatal Special Care Nursing
This module aims to further develop practitioners in their provision of evidence based infant and family centred neonatal care. The module aims to expand the practitioners knowledge base to allow them to focus their decision making as they improve their clinical skills.
Development of Intensive Neonatal Nursing Care
This module aims to further develop practitioners in their provision of evidence based intensive neonatal care for infants and families. It will enable practitioners who have completed SHG3120 to develop their neonatal skills further with particular focus on infants requiring intensive care.
Communication in Practice
This module enables students to critically evaluate effective communication in practice through a blended learning approach of self-directed study, academic supervision, and action learning sets. Students investigate models of communication and effective communication in difficult situations, reflecting on their learning and application to own professional practice.
Managing Wellbeing in Practice
This work-based learning module will be offered as both an optional module on MSc Enhanced Professional Practice Programme, and as a standalone module within the course catalogue. The module structure and assessment will follow that of all modules within the Enhanced Professional Practice Programme.
The module is suitable for health and social care practitioners working in any health or social care setting. It will enable students to critically examine current wellbeing issues in the health and care setting, and to critically analyse how they can manage wellbeing including their own and others¿ (staff, students, patients) in their area of professional practice.
Management and Leadership in Health Care Practice (WBL)
This module will enable practitioners to develop a critical understanding of the knowledge and skills required when leading and managing teams and individuals, developing capacity and capability, and working in partnership with other practitioners and agencies. This module aims to develop theoretical knowledge and work-based skills required for effective teamwork, leadership and management.
Clinical supervision
This module will enable students to develop their knowledge around clinical supervision and enhance their ability to engage in and facilitate this process whilst in practice.
Essentials of Neonatal Special Care Nursing
This module aims to further develop practitioners in their provision of evidence based infant and family centred neonatal care. The module aims to expand the practitioners knowledge base to allow them to focus their decision making as they improve their clinical skills.
Development of Intensive Neonatal Nursing Care
This module aims to further develop practitioners in their provision of evidence based intensive neonatal care for infants and families. It will enable practitioners who have completed SHGM61 to develop their neonatal skills further with particular focus on infants requiring intensive care.
Starting Your Professional Development
The aim of this module is to equip students with the necessary skills for work based learning, including self assessment, construction of a learning contract and compilation of a portfolio of evidence.
This is the first module for students wishing to pursue the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and MSc Enhanced Professional Practice . It will introduce students to the principles of work-based learning and the skills required to facilitate personal and professional development for themselves and for their colleagues.
Personal Practice Development Portfolio
The aim of this module is for the student to demonstrate the personal and professional development that has occurred for them since commencing the programme.
This is the equivalent of the dissertation module, requiring submission of a portfolio dissertation demonstrating personal and professional learning and development that has occurred since commencing the programme. The portfolio dissertation will amalgamate and consolidate all previous modules to demonstrate how learning from those modules has influenced practice and facilitated personal and professional development.
Policy Influences on Your Practice
The aim of this module is to enable students to critically evaluate their practice in relation to current policy drivers at global, national and local levels.
Assessing Your Current Practice
The aim of this module is to enable the student to assess and evaluate a chosen area of their practice. Students will gain skills in evidence based practice and service evaluation.
How the Evidence Base Can Help You Change Your Practice
The aim of this module is to enable students to review the evidence base for their practice and to examine the applicability of the evidence. There is an emphasis on the importance of understanding research for developing practice.
How to make a change in Practice
The aim of this module is to enable students to review the approaches to management and leadership in order to consider how they could utilise different approaches to make changes in practice.
Advancing Your Own Practice
The aim of this module is to encourage students to think about extending the scope of their own practice. It would be most suitable for those working as specialist or advanced practitioners in their field, or those wishing to move into such a role.
Teaching and Learning in Practice
The aim of this module is to enable practitioners to develop their teaching and facilitation skills in practice using a work based approach to learning.
Sicrhau Gofal o Safon (Plentyn)
Bydd y modiwl yn galluogi'r myfyriwr maes i blant i gymryd rhan yn y gwaith o drefnu, rheoli a darparu gofal diogel o ansawdd i gleifion a defnyddwyr gwasanaeth ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio yn unol â fframweithiau cyfreithiol, moesegol, ansawdd a phroffesiynol cydnabyddedig ar gyfer ymarfer. Bydd myfyrwyr yn datblygu dealltwriaeth feirniadol o'r broses llywodraethu clinigol a gwella ansawdd yn barhaus trwy sgiliau arwain ac yn cymhwyso'r egwyddorion hyn i'r lleoliadau ymarfer, gan ddefnyddio ystod o sgiliau cyfathrebu, hunan-fyfyrio, barn glinigol a gwerthusiad beirniadol o'r sylfaen dystiolaeth ar gyfer nyrsio. ymarfer.
Ensuring Quality Care (Child)
The module will enable the child field student to participate in the organisation, management and delivery of safe, quality care to patients and service users across all four fields of nursing practice in accordance with recognised legal, ethical, quality and professional frameworks for practice. Students will develop a critical understanding of the process of clinical governance and continuous quality improvement through leadership skills and apply these principles to the practice settings, using a range of communication skills, self-reflection, clinical judgment and critical evaluation of the evidence base for nursing practice.
Health Psychology of Long Term and Chronic Illness
Within the area of chronic condition management, the new discipline of health psychology is becoming an integral component. This module will introduce the principle concepts of health psychology, its research basis, and explore how it can be effectively incorporated into promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, as well as the current health care system to inform policy.