Mae Jamie yn ddarlithydd mewn Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, Ysgol Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol
Mae Jamie yn ddarlithydd mewn Nyrsio Iechyd Meddwl ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, Ysgol Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol
This module follows from the year 1 module SHC150 Professional Practice 1 and further develops some topics as well as introducing others. The material is designed to provide support knowledge for the healthcare science student in their professional practice.
This module builds on prior knowledge and aims to draw connections between practice experience and the integration of new knowledge. This module develops learners¿ understanding of human growth across the lifespan. Learners will develop knowledge around pregnancy, neonate, paediatric, adolescence, older adults, end of life and mental health issues. Communication skills are enhanced within this module, facilitating learners¿ ability to communicate with anxious and distressed service users and provide learners with a tool kit to support in the delivery of breaking bad news. The module will develop learners ability to safeguard vulnerable service users and develop a knowledge base around safeguarding service users and include forced marriage, honour based violence, FGM and modern slavery, in line with professional frameworks. Practice based learning will be supported by placements on an emergency ambulance and or a rapid response vehicle within the Welsh Ambulance Service. As with previous modules, learning and development will be supported by an e-learning approach.
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn adeiladu ar wybodaeth flaenorol a'i nod yw cysylltu profiad ymarferol ag integreiddio gwybodaeth newydd. Mae'r modiwl hwn yn meithrin dealltwriaeth y dysgwyr o dwf gydol oes pobl. Bydd y dysgwyr yn meithrin gwybodaeth am feichiogrwydd, plant newydd-anedig, materion pediatrig, y glasoed, oedolion h¿n, a materion diwedd oes ac iechyd meddwl. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn gwella sgiliau cyfathrebu, gan hwyluso gallu'r dysgwyr i gyfathrebu â defnyddwyr gwasanaethau pryderus a thrallodus, a rhoi pecyn cymorth i helpu'r dysgwyr i gyflwyno newyddion gwael. Bydd y modiwl yn datblygu gallu'r dysgwyr i ddiogelu defnyddwyr gwasanaethau sy'n agored i niwed ac yn meithrin sylfaen wybodaeth ynghylch diogelu defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, gan gynnwys priodas dan orfod, trais ar sail anrhydedd, anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod a chaethwasiaeth fodern, yn unol â fframweithiau proffesiynol. Bydd lleoliadau gwaith mewn ambiwlans argyfwng a/neu gerbyd ymateb cyflym yng Ngwasanaeth Ambiwlans Cymru yn ategu dysgu ar sail ymarfer. Yn yr un modd â'r modiwlau blaenorol, bydd e-ddysgu'n cefnogi dysgu a datblygu.
This module aims to build on previous knowledge and experience, providing contextualised understanding of a variety of concepts relating to mental health and the impact of social exclusion, within the context of paramedic practice. The module adopts an interactive and blended approach, allowing learners to engage with and learn from subject specialists, service users and learners associated with the allied health professions. Learners will gain practical skills related to suicide prevention and managing self-harm. Theoretical knowledge will be facilitated through directed self-study and learners will be provided with opportunities to engage with and learn from service users as well as online learning to enhance and develop practice. The focus of the module is to develop practical approaches, which can be applied to support effective and appropriate outcomes that meet the needs of individuals experiencing mental health and/ or social exclusion. Practice based learning will be supported by a 2 week placement with mental teams, facilitated by health boards in Wales.
This module frontloads the Specialist Practice Qualification in District Nursing (SPDN) and provides an overview of current issues which are relevant to those working in all areas of community nursing. There are four themes incorporated in the module where each theme has a theoretical and clinical outcome. The themes are: Community as the Context of Care, Professional Role and Accountability, Clinical Practice in the community, The Family (sociological and psychological perspectives). A practice supervisor (PS), practice assessor (PA) and academic assessor (AA) are required to support the student through the practice component. There must be an up-to-date educational audit available within the practice setting.
The module aims to raise awareness of violence and aggression issues and give the student practical skills in safe, non-aversive breakaway techniques.
The module aims to raise awareness of violence and aggression issues and give the student practical skills in safe, non-aversive breakaway techniques.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i ennyn mewnwelediad i¿r ffactorau sy¿n gallu dylanwadu iechyd a llesiant person. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws y pedwar maes yn eu cartrefi, eu cymuned, eu hysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael mewnwelediad i ffactorau a all ddylanwadu ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
This module will introduce students to the profession of nursing, its core concepts and its underpinning values as enshrined in the NMC¿s Code. The module aims to develop the student¿s knowledge of the empirical, ethical, personal, socio-political and aesthetic dimensions of nursing. It aims to enable the student to understand the nurse¿s role in providing safe and effective nursing care across the lifespan and all four fields of nursing which is underpinned by professional attitudes and evidence, promoting partnership working with service users and their carers. This module will also introduce the student to learning in higher education.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i'r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a'i werthoedd sylfaenol fel y'u hymgorfforir yng Nghod yr NMC. Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o ddimensiynau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetig nyrsio. Ei nod yw galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl y nyrs wrth ddarparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol ar draws hyd oes a phob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio sy'n cael ei danategu gan agweddau a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, gan hyrwyddo gweithio mewn partneriaeth â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno'r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
This module will introduce students to the profession of nursing, its core concepts and its underpinning values as enshrined in the NMC¿s Code. The module aims to develop the student¿s knowledge of the empirical, ethical, personal, socio-political and aesthetic dimensions of nursing. It aims to enable the student to understand the nurse¿s role in providing safe and effective nursing care across the lifespan and all four fields of nursing which is underpinned by professional attitudes and evidence, promoting partnership working with service users and their carers. This module will also introduce the student to learning in higher education.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i'r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a'i werthoedd sylfaenol fel y'u hymgorfforir yng Nghod yr NMC. Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o ddimensiynau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetig nyrsio. Ei nod yw galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl y nyrs wrth ddarparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol ar draws hyd oes a phob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio sy'n cael ei danategu gan agweddau a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, gan hyrwyddo gweithio mewn partneriaeth â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno'r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
This module will support students to gain insight into factors that can influence a person¿s health and wellbeing. This module will examine how biological, psychological and social factors contribute to patterns of health breakdown and ill health. A lifespan approach will be implemented to enable students to care for people across all four fields in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting where their needs are supported and managed.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael mewnwelediad i ffactorau a all ddylanwadu ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
This module will support students to gain insight into factors that can influence a person¿s health and wellbeing. This module will examine how biological, psychological and social factors contribute to patterns of health breakdown and ill health. A lifespan approach will be implemented to enable students to care for people across all four fields in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting where their needs are supported and managed.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael mewnwelediad i ffactorau a all ddylanwadu ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i ennyn mewnwelediad i¿r ffactorau sy¿n gallu dylanwadu iechyd a llesiant person. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws y pedwar maes yn eu cartrefi, eu cymuned, eu hysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
This module will introduce students to the profession of nursing, its core concepts and its underpinning values as enshrined in the NMC¿s Code. The module aims to develop the student¿s knowledge of the empirical, ethical, personal, socio-political and aesthetic dimensions of nursing. It aims to enable the student to understand the nurse¿s role in providing safe and effective nursing care across the lifespan and all four fields of nursing which is underpinned by professional attitudes and evidence, promoting partnership working with service users and their carers. This module will also introduce the student to learning in higher education.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i'r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a'i werthoedd sylfaenol fel y'u hymgorfforir yng Nghod yr NMC. Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o ddimensiynau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetig nyrsio. Ei nod yw galluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl y nyrs wrth ddarparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol ar draws hyd oes a phob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio sy'n cael ei danategu gan agweddau a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, gan hyrwyddo gweithio mewn partneriaeth â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno'r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
This module will support students to gain insight into factors that can influence a person¿s health and wellbeing. This module will examine how biological, psychological and social factors contribute to patterns of health breakdown and ill health. A lifespan approach will be implemented to enable students to care for people across all four fields in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting where their needs are supported and managed.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael mewnwelediad i ffactorau a all ddylanwadu ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau chwalfa iechyd ac afiechyd. Bydd dull oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws pob un o'r pedwar maes nyrsio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, y gymuned, yr ysbyty neu unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle mae eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a'u rheoli.
This module will introduce students to the profession of nursing, its core concepts and its underpinning values as enshrined in the NMC¿s The Code (2018). The module aims to develop the student¿s knowledge of the empirical, ethical, personal, socio-political and aesthetic dimensions of nursing. It aims to enable the student to understand the nurse¿s role in providing safe and effective nursing care across the lifespan and all four fields of nursing which is underpinned by professional attitudes and evidence, promoting partnership working with people who use services and their carers. This module will also introduce the student to learning in higher education.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyflwyniad i¿r myfyrwyr i¿r proffesiwn nyrsio, ei gysyniadau craidd a¿i werthoedd sylfaenol fel y¿u hymgorfforir yng Nghod y Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth (NMC) (2018). Nod y modiwl yw datblygu gwybodaeth y myfyriwr o¿r agweddau empirig, moesegol, personol, cymdeithasol-wleidyddol ac esthetaidd ar nyrsio. Mae¿n ceisio galluogi¿r myfyriwr i ddeall rôl nyrs o ran darparu gofal nyrsio diogel ac effeithiol gydol oes ac ar draws y pedwar maes nyrsio, sydd wedi¿i ategu gan ymagwedd a thystiolaeth broffesiynol, ac sy¿n hybu gweithio mewn partneriaeth â phobl sy¿n defnyddio gwasanaethau a¿u gofalwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn hefyd yn cyflwyno¿r myfyriwr i ddysgu mewn addysg uwch.
This module will support students to gain insight into factors that can influence a person¿s health and wellbeing. This module will examine how biological, psychological and social factors contribute to patterns of health breakdown and ill health. A lifespan approach will be implemented to enable students to care for people across all four fields in their own homes, community, hospital or any healthcare setting where their needs are supported and managed.
Bydd y modiwl hwn yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gael dealltwriaeth o¿r ffactorau sy¿n gallu dylanwadu ar iechyd a lles unigolyn. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn archwilio sut mae ffactorau biolegol, seicolegol a chymdeithasol yn cyfrannu at batrymau iechyd yn methu a salwch. Bydd dull gydol oes yn cael ei weithredu i alluogi¿r myfyrwyr i ofalu am bobl ar draws y pedwar maes yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, yn y gymuned, yn yr ysbyty neu mewn unrhyw leoliad gofal iechyd lle y bydd eu hanghenion yn cael eu cefnogi a¿u rheoli.
Nod y modiwl hwn yw datblygu sgiliau asesu craidd, barn a gwneud penderfyniadau ar gyfer darparu gofal diogel i gleientiaid/defnyddwyr gwasanaeth difrifol wael ag anabledd dysgu. Bydd y modiwl hefyd yn galluogi myfyrwyr i ddatblygu'r sgiliau hanfodol sydd eu hangen i ddarparu gofal diogel, effeithiol ac uniongyrchol ar draws y pedwar maes ymarfer nyrsio ac ar draws oes, ym mhob lleoliad gofal iechyd. Bydd y myfyriwr yn datblygu'r sgiliau angenrheidiol i werthuso'r dystiolaeth sy'n sail i ymarfer ac archwilio pwysigrwydd gweithio mewn tîm a chyfathrebu effeithiol i gefnogi a gwella gofal o ansawdd i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau anabledd dysgu a'u teuluoedd.
The module will provide students with the opportunity to develop their critical analysis skills through research enquiry. The module will introduce concepts of research, audit and service evaluation and focus on different techniques for data collection and analysis. The module will develop key skills for questioning, selecting, and evaluating information and evidence to support evidence-based practice and will enable students to examine and analyse aspects of research appropriate to their field of practice. Students will be taught using blended learning techniques. This will include lectures, small group work, seminars and online resources available on Canvas.
This module frontloads the MSc Specialist Practice District Nursing (SPDN) programme, providing an overview of current issues which are relevant to those working in all areas of community nursing. It is an All Wales module developed through collaboration with the commissioners' and Higher Education Institutes across Wales. There are four themes incorporated in the module where each theme has a theoretical and clinical outcome. The themes are: Community as the Context of Care, Professional Role and Accountability, Clinical Practice in the community, The Family (sociological and psychological perspectives). A practice supervisor (PS), practice assessor (PA) and academic assessor (AA) will support each student in a practice setting that has undergone an educational audit.