Humanities Essentials
This module is compulsory for all Combined Honours students. It aims to introduce you to different Humanities disciplines, emphasising both the differences and the commonalities between them. To facilitate this, there will be study visits to different Swansea locations (e.g. a museum, an art gallery), to explore how the humanities shape the world around us. You will be supported to explore your own specific interests while at the same time learning to work in more than one discipline. The module will also cover the basic research and study skills needed to succeed in humanities disciplines.
Introduction to Culture and Linguistic Traditions A
A broad knowledge and understanding of culture is an important part of the study of the language. This module aims to introduce students to the cultural background of the different linguistic traditions they study, covering different cultural artefacts and historical periods. It examines important examples of texts against the historical background in which they were produced. We shall study different cultural forms, such as poetry, novels, film, painting, drama and more. Students will be given guidance in doing presentations and writing essays about culture. The module provides students with the analytical skills and basic knowledge which they need to pursue further cultural and historical modules in more detail.
Cinema in a World Context
With Hollywood continuing to dominate global cinematic production and consumption, this module will introduce students to a selection of films belonging to the concept generally categorised as "World Cinema". Lectures will explore both the thematic and technical elements of a selection of seven films, situating each one in its political, historical and global context. As such, the module offers insight into key cinematic forms, movements and moments. These range from the Third Cinema of Latin America, via the emergence of postcolonial cinema in Africa and feminist cinema in South Asia, to cult film in East Asia, period drama in Australasia and dance film in the Middle East. Through this introduction to a diverse range of cinemas, movements, styles and cultures, students will gain not only an understanding of the specifics of each individual film studied, but also a heightened understanding of the impact of World Cinema on western cinematic production.
Cinema in a World Context
With Hollywood continuing to dominate global cinematic production and consumption, this module will introduce students to a selection of films belonging to the concept generally categorised as "World Cinema". Lectures will explore both the thematic and technical elements of a selection of seven films, situating each one in its political, historical and global context. As such, the module offers insight into key cinematic forms, movements and moments. These range from the Third Cinema of Latin America, via the emergence of postcolonial cinema in Africa and feminist cinema in South Asia, to cult film in East Asia, period drama in Australasia and dance film in the Middle East. Through this introduction to a diverse range of cinemas, movements, styles and cultures, students will gain not only an understanding of the specifics of each individual film studied, but also a heightened understanding of the impact of World Cinema on western cinematic production.
Modern Languages Dissertation
This module provides students with the opportunity to research one aspect of French, German, Italian or Hispanic culture in detail, and to present the findings of their research in a dissertation of 8000 words.
The module will be taught by means of four practical seminars on research and writing skills, and through three formal supervision sessions with a dissertation supervisor. Your supervisor will help you to find a topic, suggest research strategies, agree a suitable title, discuss the structure of your dissertation, and will read closely and comment on one draft chapter. The topic may relate to a module you are doing at Level 3, provided that this does not involve a duplication of material and is agreed with the module coordinator in advance.
The dissertations may be written in English, in your target language, or in Welsh (where Welsh-medium provision is available).
Traethawd Hir Ieithoedd Modern
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr ymchwilio i un agwedd o ddiwylliant Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Eidaleg, neu Sbaeneg yn fanwl, ac i gyflwyno canfyddiadau eu hymchwil mewn traethawd hir 8,000 o eiriau. Addysgir y modiwl trwy bedwar seminar ymarferol ar sgiliau ymchwil ac ysgrifennu, a thair sesiwn ffurfiol gyda goruchwyliwr traethawd hir. Bydd eich goruchwyliwr yn gallu'ch helpu i ddod o hyd i bwnc, awgrymu strategaethau ymchwil, cytuno teitl addas, a thrafod strwythur eich traethawd hir, a bydd yn darllen un pennawd yn fanwl, a gwneud sylwadau arno. Gall y pwnc ymwneud â modiwl yr ydych yn ei astudio ar Lefel 3, cyhyd â nad yw hynny'n dyblygu deunydd, a chyhyd â'ch bod wedi cytuno hynny gyda chydlynydd y modiwl ymlaen llaw. Cewch ysgrifennu'r traethawd hir yn Saesneg, yn eich iaith darged, neu yn Gymraeg (lle mae darpariaeth gyfrwng Cymraeg ar gael).
French Language 1A
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of French which will equip students with the skills needed to use French in day-to-day life and professional environments. The module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students at A level (or equivalent) and to facilitate their progress in linguistic competence. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken French, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary French society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of French in contexts relating to the world of work. Classes are mainly conducted in French. It is typically taken in conjunction with MLF160B. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module: MLF160AW.
French Language 2A
This module aims at building on the skills and knowledge acquired in the first year of study, and will equip students with the skills needed to use French in more complex concrete and abstract social and professional environments appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It concentrates on developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken French, so that the student can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. It also aims at establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and debate (explaining a viewpoint, giving independent advantages and disadvantages of various options) about topical issues related to contemporary French society and culture. Moreover, the module aims to enhance students¿ employability by systematically developing a personal professional career planning portfolio, providing a sound insight into the world of work. Classes will be conducted mainly in French. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
French Language 2B
This module builds on and consolidates the skills and knowledge acquired in MLF260A by concentrating on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken French appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It specifically aims at preparing the students for their Year Abroad and/or extend intercultural awareness, widening students¿ vocabulary to read, write and do presentations about topics related to France. The module also aims to enhance students¿ employability, by training them to do a successful presentation using appropriate IT applications. Classes will be conducted mainly in French. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Intermediate French Language 2A
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of French which will equip students with the skills needed to use French in day-to-day life and professional environments. The module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students in their beginners' language modules and to facilitate their progress in linguistic competence. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken French, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary French society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of French in contexts relating to the world of work. Classes are mainly conducted in French. It is typically taken in conjunction with MLF270B. There is a Welsh-medium version of this module: MLF270AW.
French for Professional Purposes 3
This module is designed to be of interest and relevance not only to specialist language students, but also to other students of French who welcome the opportunity to extend the range of their linguistic experience and competence.
Intersectional Identities in Contemporary French Cinema
French cinema has long played a leading role in challenging the mores of contemporary society. Through the analysis of seven films, which will be situated in their cultural, historical and political context, this module seeks to examine the representation and intersection of race, ethnicity, class, sexuality and gender in contemporary French cinema. In so doing, it will highlight the continued importance of `la caméra-stylo¿ both for our understanding of society and the people who comprise it, and for the manner in which it encourages new ways of seeing, feeling and belonging.
French Intermediate Language
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of French which will equip students with the skills needed to use French in day-to-day life and professional environments. The module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students in their beginners' language modules and to facilitate their progress in linguistic competence. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken French, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary French society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of French in contexts relating to the world of work. Classes are mainly conducted in French.
French Intermediate Language
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of French which will equip students with the skills needed to use French in day-to-day life and professional environments. The module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students in their beginners' language modules and to facilitate their progress in linguistic competence. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken French, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary French society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of French in professional contexts. Classes are mainly conducted in French.
French General Language 3A
This module is the culmination of advanced level study of French which will equip students with the skills needed to communicate orally and in writing at a near-native level. This module aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed by students from the beginners and advanced language pathways. It concentrates on developing clarity, fluency, organisation, structure and accuracy in written and spoken French, establishing a firm understanding of the finer points of the language relating to grammar and discourse, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, and speak about issues related to contemporary francophone society and culture. Classes are mainly conducted in French. It is typically taken in conjunction with MLF330B. There is also a Welsh- medium version of this module: MLF330AW.