Engineering Skills & Applications
Competence in engineering drawing using an industry standard CAD system and essential laboratory skills for Mechanical Engineers.
Sustainable Integrated Design I
This module introduces design tools and methodologies requires students to integrate the competencies gained from previous and concurrent modules. Students will be required to critically assess a design brief, and consider the role of sustainability in their design. Students will be set a contextualized group design challenge.
Engineering for People Hackathon
Engineering is more than understanding technical design, it is often the social, environmental and economic context underpinning engineering solutions that determine success or failure,
This has never been more relevant since the world is currently planning a radical transition to a low carbon economy while facing increased risks due to climate crisis which will bring with it unprecedented change to the world. Engineers will be at the forefront of this, and need to be equipped to tackle open-ended, unstructured and complex problems in collaboration with others.
The module will allow students to explore these issues within their chosen discipline with the following structure:
Each week there will be one or two 1-hour lectures, introducing engineering thinking and contemporary issues in global engineering design. Most activity will then take place in group-work sessions (2 hours per week), where groups of around 6 students will work in a facilitated way to identify and investigate a societal challenge (e.g. access to water / off-grid energy / sustainable transport) and then consider how Engineering design solutions could help to solve this.
Design and Laboratory Classes 1
Competence in engineering drawing using an industry standard CAD system and essential laboratory skills
Aerospace Structures
This module develops the structural concepts studied in EG166 `Engineering Mechanics¿ and EG120 `Strength of Materials¿, with an emphasis on aerospace structures.
Aerospace Structures (Texas)
This TB2 module is only to be taken by students who have been on the Texas exchange programme. It is taught in the same sessions as EG2002.
The module develops the fundamental skills of an aerospace structural engineer, and also introduces a range of advanced analysis techniques.
Airframe Structures
This module covers the fundamentals of linear elasticity and the stress analysis of the thin-walled structural components which are commonly employed in the design of modern wings and fuselages.
In particular, the bending, shearing and twisting of thin-walled beams with open, closed or multi-cell cross-sections is studied in detail.
The stiffening effect of stringers is investigated and end constraints are discussed.
Numerous examples demonstrate the application of the theory.
The module teaches the analytical skills, but also develops the students' feeling for thin-walled structures.
Sustainable Integrated Eng Design & Management
This module is designed to reinforce students' abilities in group working, engineering design with an emphasis on electronic applications, but importantly also how to assess the environmental and ethical concerns of significant engineering developments. It is based on a group project covering a range of activities including the design, programming and testing of small autonomous vehicles (micromouse) and consideration of the environmental issues and ethical concerns of the broader use of autonomous vehicles in real world situations.
Engineering Management (Aero, EEE, Mech)
The goal of this course is to provide the skills for professional engineers to meet the challenges of their future careers, whether they be in academia, industry, or as an entrepreneur. Irrespective of future careers engineers will be involved in projects, management and business organisations and an awareness of these issues is important for all team members. It should be recognized that the topics included in the course are not limited to scientists and engineers, they are useful for people in any careers. This course will help develop the skills that will allow you to be a more effective project team member and also when you start to take on the role of project manager.
Students will gain understanding of project and resource management, financial and environmental assessments, legal liability and responsibilities within business. This module will also provide support on careers development.
Engineering Management B (Aero, EEE, Mech)
The goal of this course is to provide the skills for professional engineers to meet the challenges of their future careers, whether they be in academia, industry, or as an entrepreneur. Irrespective of future careers engineers will be involved in projects, management and business organisations and an awareness of these issues is important for all team members. It should be recognized that the topics included in the course are not limited to scientists and engineers, they are useful for people in any careers. This course will help develop the skills that will allow you to be a more effective project team member and also when you start to take on the role of project manager.
Students will gain understanding of project and resource management, financial and environmental assessments, legal liability and responsibilities within business. This module will also provide support on careers development.
Sustainable Design
This module enables students to participate in a group activity involving an integrated holistic approach to achieve a sustainable solution to a specific engineering problem. In most instances it will involve either direct interaction with industry or will be an industrially-related project. Issues other than providing a purely technical solution to the problem will have to be considered in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome to the project.
Life Cycle Analysis and Circular Economy
This module presents the principles of life cycle analysis and Circular Economy. It covers the assessment of resource conservation by optimal use of resources, including consideration of primary extraction processes, design/manufacturing/fabrication, improving product life and end of life usage.
Engineering Design 1
Engineering Design 1 aims to introduce students to fundamental principles of engineering design processes. Working on real world engineering problems, students will develop problem-solving skills, creative thinking, and an understanding of design considerations. Emphasis is placed on analysing and solving engineering problems while considering technical, economic, and often, societal factors. The module also focuses on effective communication of design ideas through sketching, CAD and technical drawings. Practical skills are achieved through the manufacturing of protype devices.
Experimental Studies - Aerospace
The course introduces the students to experimental studies in a wide range of subjects relevant to Aerospace Engineering.
Each experiment is self contained and the student will present the findings in written form through a lab report (or combination of lab reports and class tests) which will have a set of experiment specific questions to answer.
This written reports and class tests also forms the basis for the assessment.
All students work in groups and carry out five in-situ experiments and one external experiment, however the assignments are all individually submitted.
The students keep a log-book of the experimental observations and results, which is used for reference for the technical report from each experiment written-up within the fortnight after the experiment.
Stress Analysis and Dynamics
The module starts with an overview of the mechanics of materials and structures. It describes the way in which simple engineering components behave under the action of external forces or other actions such as thermal changes. It then progresses to consider the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. After a review of statics and stress resultants, energy methods of analysis are introduced leading to the calculations of deflection and deformation for frame structures. Consideration of dynamic forces is then covered including analysis of vibrating structures. Finally, computational analysis methods of structural analysis are introduced which will lead towards the use of finite element analysis.
Research Project
This research project module will cover the entire year and be completed in the summer period within the student¿s employing company. It will involve flexible learning and will incorporate many elements of the prior learning into a substantial research project where there is significant scope for individual direction. It will be directed and supported by both industrial and academic supervisor.
In the early phases of the project there will be assessments based on technical literature review and an environmental impact assessment. The main project report is submitted at the end of the year, along with an oral presentation made to the student's academic and industrial supervisors.
Advanced Engineering Structures
This module covers the fundamentals of linear elasticity and the stress analysis of the thin-walled structural components which are commonly employed across Engineering but especially in the design of modern wings and fuselages. In particular, the bending, shearing and twisting of thin-walled beams with open, closed or multi-cell cross-sections is studied in detail.
The stiffening effect of stringers is investigated. Taper and end constraints are discussed. Numerous examples demonstrate the application of the theory. The module teaches the analytical skills, but also develops the students' feeling for thin-walled structures.
Advanced Materials
This module will extend the understanding of the links between processing, structure and properties for advanced materials. It will cover selected aspects in more depth than in the second year module, including fatigue and fracture of metallic materials in aerospace applications; the structure and mechanics of composite materials and how these are affected by external environments; the materials and processing of electronic devices. Practical content is included to enhance this understanding. It then allows students to delve more deeply into a materials topic of their choice with an especial focus on the environmental impacts involved.
Engineering Tutorials: Foundation Year
This module covers the academic tutorials held in the Foundation Year of all Engineering programmes, based around 5 individual or group tutorials held during the year. The tutorials are an important aspect of the degree course as they help students to reflect on their academic performance and explore ways to gain new skills that will help them in their studies and their future careers. Although this module carries no credit, there is a pass/fail assessment of the students' engagement in the tutorial process, which must be passed to progress to the next year of study.
Engineering Tutorials: Year 1
This module covers the academic tutorials held in Year 1 of all Engineering programmes, based around 5 individual or group tutorials held during the year. The tutorials are an important aspect of the degree course as they help students to reflect on their academic performance and explore ways to gain new skills that will help them in their studies and their future careers. Although this module carries no credit, there is a pass/fail assessment of the students' engagement in the tutorial process, which must be passed to progress to the next year of study.
Engineering Degree Apprenticeship Tutorials: Year 1
This module covers the academic tutorials held in Year 1 of the Engineering Degree Apprenticeship programmes, based around 5 individual or group tutorials held during the year. The tutorials are an important aspect of the degree course as they help students to reflect on their academic performance and explore ways to gain new skills that will help them in their studies and their future careers. Although this module carries no credit, there is a pass/fail assessment of the students' engagement in the tutorial process, which must be passed to progress to the next year of study.
Engineering Degree Apprenticeship Tutorials: Year 2
This module covers the academic tutorials held in the second year of the Engineering Degree Apprenticeship programmes, based around 5 individual or group tutorials held during the year. The tutorials are an important aspect of the degree course as they help students to reflect on their academic performance and explore ways to gain new skills that will help them in their studies and their future careers. Although this module carries no credit, there is a pass/fail assessment of the students' engagement in the tutorial process, which must be passed to progress to the next year of study.
Engineering Degree Apprenticeship Tutorials: Year 3
This module covers the academic tutorials held in the third year of the Engineering Degree Apprenticeship programmes, based around 5 individual or group tutorials held during the year. The tutorials are an important aspect of the degree course as they help students to reflect on their academic performance and explore ways to gain new skills that will help them in their studies and their future careers. Although this module carries no credit, there is a pass/fail assessment of the students' engagement in the tutorial process, which must be passed to progress to the next year of study.